Legal and Compliance

Legal and Compliance Executives

While the role and qualifications of legal executives may vary depending on the company they serve, the essential requirements are unquestioned integrity along with meaningful business and significant life experience.

Whether it is general legal, intellectual property or regulatory compliance, Northpoint Recruiting is your source for finding talented attorneys who have the judgment and leadership skill necessary to competently advise your company directors and officers, confront legal challenges and act decisively.  The experts we work with are skilled at providing oversight on everything from the research and development of new products, to commercial launch and marketing, and throughout the product lifecycle.  

We work with experts who are able to minimize the liability exposure of your company, its directors, and its officers by helping you identify and acquire executives who are able to contribute at the following levels:

· General Counselors

· Chief Intellectual Property Counselors

· Chief Compliance Officers

· Vice President, AGC

· Director, Sr. Counsel
